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Product Details

Ear candles have been used for centuries to create a sense of well-being and hold a respected place in traditional medicine around the globe. Gaining large popularity in recent years, today they are used by people looking for a more natural approach to tending their mind and body.

About Jo Olley

Jo learned about ear candling and how to make ear candles whilst studying reflexology around 1995. She thought it was a wonderful idea for helping people, and as ear candling was not common in Australia at the time she started manufacturing and selling her own home-made beeswax ear candles. Today it is one of Australia’s largest manufacturers of beeswax ear candles, producing high quality beeswax ear candles, used by thousands of Australians.

1. It is important that a second person holds the candle during this treatment.
2. Have a person lie on their side on a flat surface or lay their head sideways on a table.
3. Place a towel around the ear, protecting the hair and head.
4. Notice the pathway of the ear canal. The candle will act as an extension of the canal.
5. Place the narrow end of the candle in the ear canal for a snug fit, hold and lift the ear lobe for a snugger fit. Keep the candle vertical and reposition the head if required. Make sure the candle follows the direction of the ear canal.
6. Light the candle wick, make sure there are no draughts.
7 Hold the candle firmly, rest your hand on their head. Make sure you don’t press down causing discomfort.
8. When the candle has burned down with 6cm remaining, gently remove the candle from the ear and place the flame end in water to extinguish.
9. Repeat procedure with the other ear. You must candle both ears.

For single use only.

Under no circumstances should candles be used if you have an ear infection.
At all times consult with your medical practitioner or naturopath for their advice. Ear Candles are not a medical device.
The application of candles is at your own risk and responsibility. If you follow the instructions carefully, the application will be secure and reliable.
We also do not recommend you carry out the treatment by yourself, it should always be done by a second person who watches and assists the whole time as candles do not extinguish.
Should you suffer from any inflammation, ailments or diseases do not use candles. Should you have any doubts about the use of candles then please refer to your health professional first.

Always store candles in a safe, secure place away from children when not in use.


100% natural cotton and double filtered 100% natural beeswax.


1 x Pair Ear Candles

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